class: center, middle ### 28: Python virtual environments, VSCode launch configurations, packages w/ pip and requirements.txt --- #### Outline - [Our bug from yesterday: a Vim browser extension](#3) - [Python virtual environments (in VSCode)](#4) - [Setting up a launch configuration in VSCode](#5) - [Python packages, the Python package index, and pip](#6) - [Package dependencies at the project level, requirements.txt](#7) - [Preview: Git (with Git bash), SourceTree, and GitHub (remote repository host)](#8) --- #### Our bug from yesterday: a Vim browser extension - If anyone else uses Chrome Remote Desktop with Vimium active, you have been warned! --- #### Python virtual environments (in VSCode) - Virtual environments at a high level -- sandboxing project packages so that they don;t interfere with each other - In VSCode specifically: - In the integrated terminal, run: - `python -m venv .venv` - And then `./.venv/Scripts/activate` to activate the virtual environment --- #### Setting up a launch configuration in VSCode - Example: ```json { // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. // For more information, visit: "configurations": [ { "name": "Preprocess", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "program": "", "console": "integratedTerminal" } ] } ``` --- #### Python packages, the Python package index, and pip - - - `pip` is a package manager for Python, just like `choco` is a package manager for Windows. Example: - Let's say you want to build a URL from a file path. URLs don't have spaces (conventionally), and usually follow a specific format. To get strings in a format, we can download a package and use it: --- #### Python packages, the Python package index, and pip Let's say we had a simple program like the following ```python import slugify def make_url(input_string): return slugify.slugify(input_string) ``` You can also just import the function directly (`from slugify import slugify` = in the format of `from module_name import function_name`), and then you don't need to worry about the module name when invoking the method. --- #### Package dependencies at the project level, requirements.txt - It's not as hard as you might think - - First: `pip freeze > requirements.txt` - Then when installing your program somewhere else: `pip install -r requirements.txt` --- #### Preview: Git (with Git bash), SourceTree, and GitHub (remote repository host) - Git is a version control system. There are other options too, but Git is probably the most popular. - Version control systems track the changes you make to files over time, and are absolutely essential to the software development process, especially when working on a team of developers. - Today we will just be downloading and setting up a couple tools. We will get into specifics in our next lesson <!-- Footnote List --> <div class="footnotes"> <ol> </ol> </div> --- #### Outline - [Our bug from yesterday: a Vim browser extension](#3) - [Python virtual environments (in VSCode)](#4) - [Setting up a launch configuration in VSCode](#5) - [Python packages, the Python package index, and pip](#6) - [Package dependencies at the project level, requirements.txt](#7) - [Preview: Git (with Git bash), SourceTree, and GitHub (remote repository host)](#8)